An Introduction

I am a writer. I force myself to declare this. The question forming in your mind, sitting on your lips at this moment: “What are you writing?”

The answer, “Uhhhhh…..”

Do you see why I’ve avoided the declaration?

I am a writer, often frustrated, blocked. I am a writer who has always wanted to say…something. But I didn’t want to say just anything—I wanted to say something important, wise, deeply meaningful. I mean, is “life-changing” too much to ask? What about funny? That could work, too.

But more often than not, nothing comes when I sit down to write. My writing becomes journaling, which transitions into complaining. I completed a few NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) challenges and the results were…listless.

A couple of year ago, a few different spiritual teachers who I follow introduced me to the concept of automatic writing as a way to connect to and receive messages from your guides or angels, even from your higher self. The instructions are very simple. You get quiet, connect to your higher power either through meditation or prayer, or even just a few deep breaths, and then you might ask Spirit or the Divine or God a question you would like the answer to, or for help in a particular area of your life.

Then, you simply allow your pen to start writing, communicating whatever comes through. I tried it a few times and was surprised by the lovely messages I received. I returned to it from time to time when I was confused or upset about something in my life and I didn’t know what to do, but I didn’t turn it into a regular practice, and I certainly didn’t see a connection between what I was producing through automatic writing and any kind of writing practice that would qualify me as…a writer.

I moved on to subsequent teaching and methodologies that interested me, and chose to learn to connect and communicate with my Angels and Guides mostly through the use of oracle and Tarot cards as well as Angel Numbers and a few other entry-level ways of communicating with the Divine.

In the Fall of 2022, I attended Radleigh Valentine’s Certified Angel Advisor course in Tampa, Florida. Throughout the intensive, we were invited to participate in a virtual smorgasbord of wide-ranging intuitive and spiritual modalities, most of which I had heard of but never tried, thinking them far beyond my abilities as an intuitive novice.

By the end of the course, my head was swimming with all my new experiences and I felt like a balloon, floating six feet off the ground.

One thing, though, came naturally. I didn’t question my abilities or  the messages I was receiving through automatic writing.

I came home and, through a bit of Divine intervention, ended up with Colette Baron-Reid’s book, The Oracle Card Journal, which I dug into immediately.

The book is a 40-day journey in which you commit to pulling an oracle card from any deck and writing a one page journal entry about it. Your question to spirit is, “What is being revealed today for my highest good?”

I found that pulling a card grounded the automatic writing for me. I (together with Spirit) was limited to a finite topic that resonated with me every day, and, without fail, spoke to some experience I was having or lesson I was in need of. I found myself astounded by the accuracy and specificity of the messages I was receiving, which were the perfect combination of honest (calling me on my stuff) and loving. The messages were always hopeful and gentle.

I continued the daily practice after I finished the 40-day program, and when I reread some of the things I had received and written, I realized that their messages were often universal, and could be helpful to others, and the idea for this blog was born.

I can’t wait to see what happens next, where spirit takes me and whether or not the messages do hold an appeal beyond my own development.

With love,



Overcoming Stress, The Ten of Fire (Wands)