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Walking the Fryer Creek Trail
In all, the path was shaded and lovely with thick foliage along both sides. It is about a mile long, though you can loop through and around to make your trek longer if you like. There are a couple of bridges to bring you across the creek and back.
The Empress, Archangel Gabriel: Creativity, Abundance and Action
For some of us, action comes naturally. For others, planning, sometimes known as procrastinating, is a more comfortable state of being.
Embracing a Beautiful Ending
Right now, you are coming upon a glorious ending, and your assignment is to feel great about it. Look back at where you were and allow yourself to have the audacity to see just how much you have accomplished. Many of us are much more comfortable picking apart our shortcomings, but what if we challenged ourselves to do the opposite? Where did you shine brightest? When did you laugh the loudest? Bring those qualities into your next project.
Stepping into the Spotlight with Six of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, and King of Swords
Stepping into the Spotlight with Six of Wands, Queen of Pentacles and King of Swords. The Six of Wands (or Fire) invites you to sept into the spotlight and receive the attention, praise and focus you deserve. This is the Universe saying YES!