Stepping into the Spotlight with Six of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, and King of Swords
This reading uses cards from Chris-Anne’s deck The Light Seer’s Tarot.
Are you comfortable standing in the light? Are you willing to allow yourself to be seen?
Today, we received the Six of Wands, or Fire, as our card. However, during the shuffling process, we received two jumper cards: The Queen of Pentacles (Earth) and the King of Swords (Air). What this means is that two cards jumped out of the deck while shuffling, basically demanding that they become a part of the reading.
The Six of Wands invites you to step into the spotlight and receive the attention; the praise and focus, that you deserve. This can be uncomfortable for many people who prefer to work their magic in the background. This card asks you to consider what you have to share, say, or become that could make a positive impact on the people and circumstances around you.
The Queen of Pentacles jumped into the reading to say that you are ready to allow the resources and abundance you want and need to flow into your life. She reminds you to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. You’ve got this and above all else, the combination of these two cards is an indication that you are ready.
Our second jumper card, The King of Swords popped into this reading to tell you that you have the information, quick wits and intelligence to take this challenge on. He reminds you to communicate clearly and to be honest with yourself and others, even when it’s difficult. This King never shies away from the truth.
The King, as taken in relationship to the other two cards, relays the message that you are ready for a leadership role and the attention it will bring.
As we further consider the three cards together, we understand that this is a moment to pause and consider you. What are you needs, dreams and desires for your future?
If your thoughts about what you want get muddled up with what other people want for and from you, are you able to take a moment to separate out your own voice—that of your higher self—from the voices around you that might be drowning it out. Those other voices could be from friends and family, from your third grade teacher whom you haven’t seen in thirty years, or from a belief system you’ve held onto from that past that no longer serves you.
Are you able, like the King of Swords, to be honest with yourself, even if it’s uncomfortable, about the why behind your dreams and desires? Are your intentions born of spirit or something else? Is your ego getting in the mix and asking for things it wants for appearances sake, or to settle something from your past that left you feeling lacking?
This is a moment of victory and accomplishment for you. You’re being asked to step into the lights and be seen. You are being asked to see your own beauty, your gifts and purpose, and your unique abilities, to change the world as only you can. As you bravely face this next chapter, being clear and honest about what you intend to create and why, be confident in the knowledge that the Universe is sending you a big, fat, beautiful YES.
You are ready. You are strong enough and you have the support of your Angels, God and The Universe in your quest for what’s next.
This card reading comes from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne.