Embracing a Beautiful Ending
This reading comes from Chris-Anne’s Sacred Creators Oracle deck.
The card we received today has an unusual name: “Fill Your Cup with Sacred Giggles.” I admit, this deck is relatively new to me, and I didn’t know exactly what I’d gotten us into when I pulled this card. But Spirit does not disappoint, and the meaning behind the card is beautiful. This card marks the joyful (hence the giggles) end of a cycle, completion, and the limitless options that are opening up in the wake of this closing chapter. It is time to finish what we started, and take a bow.
This is card 21 in Chris-Anne’s deck The Sacred Creators Oracle and after I read the meaning behind that card, I realized that its meaning falls in line with the twenty-first card of Tarot’s major arcana: The World.
For some reason, we have told ourselves that endings are scary. Perhaps this is because endings bring change, and change means new feelings, new ideas and new possibilities—all of which can bring on discomfort. But, isn’t being comfortable sometimes a little…boring? Worrying about the future misses the point, anyway. The point is to be present and awake enough to enjoy the fruits of your accomplishments.
Right now, you are coming upon a glorious ending, and your assignment is make your way to a place where you are able to feel great about it. Look back at where you were when this period of your life began and allow yourself to have the audacity to revel in how far you’ve come. Many of us are much more comfortable picking apart our shortcomings when we review our past. What if you challenged yourself to do the opposite? Where did you shine brightest? When did you laugh the loudest? Bring those qualities into your next project.
Many of us are feeling a major shift in the works. It’s okay if you loved your life before, you can still welcome changes that will make it even better. And, if you have felt for sometime that you have outgrown your life and the way you have been living it, now is the time to be grateful for all the lessons you have learned as you expand into the next phase of your life.
This card lets us know that our world belongs to us. We have the free will to choose what we put our focus on, whether that be our beautiful accomplishments that will lead us to expanded possibilities or the lack thereof.
The World, God, The Universe, always provides. It is with our free will that we choose which path to take. What an honor it is to be given such a choice.
In Chris-Anne’s words from the guidebook for The Sacred Creator’s Oracle, “The whole world is opening up for you now.” What you do with it is your choice. Take a moment to dream up something big.