The Empress, Archangel Gabriel: Creativity, Abundance and Action
Archangel Gabriel, who represents the Divine feminine here, rules this card of creation and abundance. This is not a message of thoughtful contemplation, waiting or planning, but of action.
For some of us, action comes naturally. For others, planning, replanning and overplaying, sometimes known as procrastinating, is a more comfortable state of being.
If you are prone to overthinking or have found yourself in the grips of perfectionism a time or two, this card asks you to loosen your grip on controlling every aspect of your endeavor and of the eventual outcome.
As you allow yourself to ease up just a bit, and invite some Divinely-inspired action to take place, you will find that Spirit wants to help you with your project, if only you would ask.
The Empress would also like to ask you—are you willing to create from your heart instead of your head?
I find myself telling friends and family that I need to “figure things out” at some point in almost every conversation. In recent months, this has become an immediate sign to me that I am firmly stuck in my head. I rely on the need to figure things out when I am stalling, or when I am afraid to take the next step, or when my intuition is giving me a solution that takes me out of my comfort zone, and I’m hoping I can “figure out” something that would be a little easier. If my heart and Spirit are telling me the next step is out of my comfort zone or something I’ve either never tried or tried an not succeeded at in the past, I suddenly need to stop all progress and “figure it out.”
This generally leads to me trying to reason my way to a foolproof solution, thereby cutting Spirit and intuition out of my decision-making completely, and missing out on a lot of the magic that life would otherwise offer me.
What if, instead, I just bravely chose to begin?
My ego interrupts, “What if you make the wrong choice? What if you make a mistake and look silly? What if you’re a fraud? What if you fail and find out this dream was a waste of time and effort and you could never really succeed and you…..” And on and on and on.
I politely say to my ego, “It sounds like you’re scared. I understand you’re trying to protect me. You’re very comfortable sitting here planning, but it’s time to get one the road. I promise we’ll be okay.”
I quiet my mind and find the Divine Feminine within. I can call on Archangel Gabriel for help if I don’t feel a connection on my own.
I close my eyes and feel myself expand into the space beyond my body, into the room around me. This is how I find my higher self, who always knows that we are safe and protected. She helps me calm down and listen.
You know the answers, she says. You know what to do next.
I don’t see the whole road today. Just one step.
And I know I am here to offer something beautiful, something of value, to the world.
I also know that with this card, The Universe, The Divine, and Archangel Gabriel are urging all of us to take the next step. We know it’s time.